Egyptian Gods Family Tree: Find Out Detailed Information
Egyptian Gods are important figures in ancient Egyptian religion. They can be gods, heroes, goddesses, kings, pharaohs, or queens. Each had its areas of expertise, positions, and duties. They are thought to direct each person's soul throughout their life. If you want to discover more about the discussion, we will help you. The article is about the Egyptian Gods family tree. This way, you will discover many Egyptian Gods and their roles and relationships. Additionally, you will learn the best procedure for creating the Egyptian Gods family tree. Without anything else, start reading the post. You will experience everything about the Egyptian Gods family tree.

- Part 1. Introduction to Egyptian Gods
- Part 2. Key Egyptian Gods
- Part 3. Egyptian Gods Family Tree
- Part 4. Way to Draw Egyptian Gods Family Tree
- Part 5. FAQs about Egyptian Gods Family Tree
Part 1. Introduction to Egyptian Gods
About 5,000 years have passed since the first inhabitants of Egypt. About their gods and goddesses, each had their tales and legends. These people have a distinctive place in Egyptian society. The gods were said to be present everywhere in ancient Egypt. They aided in directing people both in this life and the next. They had important responsibilities and were in charge of maintaining Egyptian society.

The Egyptian Gods have a long history; you can learn more about them by examining their family tree. Osiris, Isis, Set, Horus, Bastet, Anubis, Ra, Shu, Ptah, and other deities are examples of Egyptian Gods. The Egyptians did not acknowledge God when they began to construct their metropolis. The Egyptians once worshiped a divinity named Amun, who presided over the world. The Egyptian pharaohs held a special place in the ancient Egyptians' hearts. As Egypt's rulers, they were essential. Egypt's pharaoh was regarded as a monarch and supreme authority. They were recognized as individuals with influence, authority, and accountability. The Pharaohs were revered as gods. Seth was the moon deity, Ra was the sun god, and Horus was the hawk god. It was thought that the sun created the universe and that Ra was the source of the sun. With the advent of the sun, the Egyptian calendar began keeping track of the days. Some Egyptians referred to the sun as ”Sothis.” The Egyptians held that Nu, meaning ”heaven,” was the source of everything.
Part 2. Key Egyptian Gods
The word or name “Nun” means primeval waters. People believed that Nun was turbulent and dark. It is a dark expanse with tons of stormy waters depicted as a place. Nun has no temples and worshippers. He appears to play the part of the chaos that the ancient Egyptians thought was the source of creation. Nun is also known as the father of Gods.

Ra is the God of the Sun. He is the King of other deities and is known as the father of creation. They say that Ra has the head of a falcon with the body of a man. The Cario is the primary center of worship for Ra. Until the Holy Roman Empire invaded Egypt and imposed Christianity, Ra's worship persisted.

Imhotep means ”the one who comes in peace” in its original language. He might have been a real person that the Ancient Egyptians later deified. He is also credited with designing Djoser's step pyramid. By becoming one of the select few non-royals to get deification, Imhotep goes one step further. Imhotep was a talented architect and a great doctor and priest. He became revered by the ancient Egyptians as a god of medicine and knowledge.

Osiris is the son of Ra and Hathor. He is shown as a mummified, bearded man wearing an Atef crown. According to some tales, Osiris was killed by his brother Set and later raised to become the god of the afterlife.

Seth is the brother of Osiris. He is known as the God of desert storms and chaos. He is frequently portrayed as a guy with an odd animal head. He appeared in stories when he murdered his brother and was defeated by Horus, who rose to rule the gods.

Horus is the son of Ra and Hathor. He is usually depicted as a child with a head like a hawk's or a falcon-headed man. Also, he is the protector God of justice, revenge, and kingship. His most popular myth involves his battle against Seth for throne control.

Atum is shown sitting on a throne with a ram's head and occasionally as an older man leaning on a staff. He was the original creator deity. But over a few thousand years, Ra, who Amun then succeeded, took his place.

Amun was originally Thebes' protector God. Additionally, when Thebes and Amun rose in importance within Egypt, they united to form the supreme deity known as Amun-Ra. It seems that the fact that his name implies ”hiddenness” did not affect his prowess as a sun deity.

Sekhmet is the lion-headed Goddess of violence and war. Sekhmet plays a significant role in the fall of humanity. It is about humanity that rebels against Ra. With the order of Ra, Sekhmet beat them all. However, Sekhmet did too much, killing everyone and putting them in the ocean of blood she created.

Hator is the wife of Ra. She is one of the Goddesses of ancient Egypt. She is portrayed as a woman with a cow's head. There are times when she is portrayed as a cobra. Her domains include fertility, music, dance, and motherhood.

Part 3. Egyptian Gods Family Tree

On top of the family tree, you can see Nun. They consider Nun as the water abyss. Then, there is Ra. He is the father of creation. Horus, Osiris, and Set are the sons of Ra. Ra’s wife is Hathor. Atum is the father of Tefnut and Shu. Shu is the brother and husband of Tefnut. Father to Geb and Nut. Also, Tefnut is the wife and sister of Shu. She is the Mother of Nut and Geb. Geb is the brother and husband to Nut. He is also a father to Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys. Osiris, Isis, Nephthys, and Set are brothers and Sisters.
Part 4. Way to Draw Egyptian Gods Family Tree
To create the Egyptian Gods family tree, use MindOnMap. No matter how many characters are in your family tree, MindOnMap can ease your work. The online tool has an intuitive interface with simple methods that suit all users. You can also use its free tree map templates to experience the hassle-free creation of a family tree. What’s more interesting about the online tool is letting other users edit your family tree. It is because MindOnMap offers collaborative features that allow you to brainstorm and edit outputs for other users. So, using this free family tree maker is the best choice. To make the Egyptian Gods family tree, follow the steps below.
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Go to the official MindOnMap website. Then click the Create Your Mind Map button after creating your MindOnMap account.

After that, choose the New menu on the left web page and select the Tree Map template. This way, you can start creating the Egyptian God family tree.

Navigate to the Main Node button to add the characters. You can click the Node, Sub Node, and Add Node options to add more Egyptian Gods to the family tree. Select the Relation option to add a relation to the characters. Click the Image icon to attach the image of the characters. Lastly, to add color, go to the Themes option.

Select the Save button to save the final output to the MidnOnMap account. Click the Export button to save the family tree to JPG, PNG, PDF, and other formats. Also, to use the collaborative feature, click the Share option.

Further Reading
Part 5. FAQs about Egyptian Gods Family Tree
How many Gods and Goddesses were there in ancient Egypt?
In ancient Egypt, there were many Gods and Goddesses you could encounter. Based on further research, there are approximately 1,500 Gods and Goddesses. All of them are known by name.
What kind of God is Thoth?
Thoth is the God of Wisdom. He was the one who taught the Egyptians writing, arithmetic, and hieroglyphs.
Who are the most powerful Egyptian Gods?
The powerful Egyptian Gods are Ra, the sun God; Atum, the first creator; Osiris, the God of the Underworld; and Thot, the God of Wisdom.
Do you like talking about Egyptian mythologies? Then the article was made for you. It is about the Egyptian Gods family tree. Moreover, you have given an idea of how to make the family tree of the Egyptian Gods using MindOnMap. So, you can also rely on this online tool when creating the Egyptian Gods family tree.