6 Bubble Map Templates and Examples Free to Institute

A bubble map is one of the easiest ways to handle complex matters while creating ideas or brainstorming. This map lets you describe the main subject is usually located at the center of the map. On the other hand, creating a bubble map is not always easy, although it is easy. That is because repeating the same template will make you tired of doing it. For this reason, you will need to see the bubble map templates and examples we have for you here in this post. This way, you will see different variations of bubble maps that you can utilize in your next bubble brainstorming session. So, without further adieu, let’s get this started by reading the entire content below.

Bubble Map Template Example

Part 1. Bonus: Best Bubble Map Maker Online: Highly Recommended

It is nice to see different bubble map templates, but having the best bubble map maker to use is nicer. On this note, we want to introduce you to what we highly recommend you utilize, MindOnMap. It is a mind-mapping program with excellent tools you can apply to meet your best shot at creating your double bubble map example. Tag along with this are the lavishing themes that give life and creativity to the map, styles that can turn it into a professional-like map, and many more options to perfect your illustration. Furthermore, it lets you enjoy its flowchart maker as well, with numerous element options within it. So, yes, it is a comprehensive mapping tool that you can adopt as a companion.

What makes it more admirable is the fact that it is a free tool that brings no ads in it. This means you can enjoy it anytime you want as long as you have your internet with you. Everyone who has already experienced MindOnMap always says it is more than what you are looking for. So, let’s see why they say that, as we give the step-by-step process of using it in making a free bubble map template.

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How to Make a Bubble Map in MindOnMap

Step 1. Sign Up for Free

First and foremost, you will need to sign up using your email account. How? Upon arriving on the tool's official website, you must click the Create Your Mind Map tab. Then, click Sign in with Google.

Log In Process

Step 2. Select a Layout

After signing in, you may look for a layout you want to use. Hit the New tab to see the layout options.

Template Selection

Step 3. Design the Bubble Map

Upon reaching the main canvas, you can start making the bubble map. Then, you can use various options to design the map by accessing the menu on the right part of the interface. Also, if you want to add images to your bubble map for writing, access the Insert > Image > Insert Image selection from the ribbon.

Stencil Design Selection

Step 4. Save the Bubble Map

Finally, you can now save the bubble map by clicking the Export button. After clicking it, the tool will let you decide what format you are going to have. Then, it will quickly download the map on your device.

Export Format Selection

Part 2. 3 Types of Bubble Map Templates

There are three basic types of bubble map templates. And these three are what we will be discussing with you below.

1. Bubble Map

The bubble map is the primary type of template for this matter. It contains a single subject in a noun form and is surrounded by information that describes the issue. The bubble map template is used to describe a subject matter to make it more understandable.

Bubble Map Template

2. Double Bubble Map

Next, we have the double bubble map. This template is a visual illustration of the similarities and contrast between the two subject matters or what we call entities. So, if you will need to compare two ideas or nouns, this type of template is what you need to use. Furthermore, as you see in the given photo below, the similarities between the two entities are the ones in a merging position. At the same time, the two entities’ differences or unique attributes are stated on the other side of this double-bubble map template.

Double Map Template

3. Triple Bubble Map

And, of course, there is this triple bubble map as the third type of template. This kind of template illustrates common factors of the three central topics within the map. This template sample below shows the overlapping entities along with their information.

Triple Bubble Map Template

Part 3. 3 Bubble Map Examples

To thoroughly visualize the three kinds of templates above, here is each sample.

1. Science Bubble Map

Bubble Map Sample

This sample depicts the study of earth science. It shows the various elements within this field.

2. Verbs Bubble Map

Verb Bubble Map Sample

This next sample shows verbs, modal verbs, to be specific. This sample is the best way to understand the concept of the main topic. In the same way, expressing the ability, permission, and possibility using modal verbs may add to the meaning of the sentences.

3. Infrastructure Bubble Map

Infra Bubble Map Sample

Finally, we have this sample about the infrastructure of a firm. As you see in the image, the map is divided into support and primary, which expanded to their inbound, outbound, service, logistic, marketing, sales, and operations.

Part 4. FAQs about Bubble Maps

Can I use a square shape for my bubble map?

No. The bubble map is called by its name due to its bubble-like shape. Therefore, you cannot use figures other than circles or ovals.

How can I use Google Docs to make a bubble map?

First, you need to launch a new blank document. Then, click on the Insert menu and choose the Drawing option, followed by the New selection. Afterward, Google Docs will redirect you to its drawing window, where you can create the bubble map. Basic shapes and elements will be available that you will need to click and post one by one until you complete the whole map. You also can make a concept map using Google Docs.

Is there a bubble map template in MS Word?

Yes. Fortunately, MS Word provides you with a free bubble map template. You can find the bubble map template from the SmartArt feature function of the software, which is located in the illustrations options when you hit the Insert tab. However, the template is not editable, which will limit you from expanding your bubble map to the fullest.


There you have it, the bubble map templates and examples. Making a bubble map is not as challenging as other mind maps and diagrams, for as long you have samples to follow. On the other hand, if you want to maintain the secret of creating maps, diagrams, and charts much smoother, use the MindonMap.

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