A Thorough Guide to A Game of Thrones Timeline Review
Are you a fan of Game of Thrones and curious about its timeline? Well, Game of Thrones is surely a well-loved series by worldwide viewers and readers. Like you, some of the series’s fans need a refresher, which a timeline can provide. Fortunately, you have come to this post. Here, you will learn the timeline of Game of Thrones and its chronological major events. What’s more, we have also introduced a timeline creator you can use to create your own timeline. Read this review and learn the necessary information.

- Part 1. Game of Thrones Timeline
- Part 2. Describe Game of Thrones Timeline
- Part 3. FAQs About Game of Thrones Timeline
Part 1. Game of Thrones Timeline
Here’s a timeline of Game of Thrones you can use to guide you in the series. As you read, see how you can make a personalized timeline using the best creator.
1. The Dawn Age (12,000 BC)
12,000 Before Conquest, the First Men came to Westeros from Essos. They found the land occupied by the Children of the Forest, small human-like creatures. They fought for many years. About 10,000 years before Game of Thrones, they made peace and became friends by signing The Pact after centuries of war.
2. The Age of Heroes (10,000 BC – 6000 BC)
This era sets the stage for the upcoming Game of Thrones prequel, the Age of Heroes. It began with the signing of the Pact. Around 8,000 BC, The Long Night occurred. In the War for the Dawn, the Children of the Forest and the First Men joined forces to push the White Walkers north. To guard against them, humans formed the Night's Watch, consisting of noble heroes.
3. The Coming of the Andals (6,000-4,000 BC)
Over centuries, the Andals from Essos migrated to Westeros, subduing and conquering the First Men south of the Neck. The Andals introduced writing to Westeros, while the First Men used runes. But, they struggled to conquer the North due to its natural defenses. Around 4,000 BC, they conquered the Iron Islands, but those Andals adopted the Ironborn culture.
4. The Rise and Fall of Valyria (100 BC)
For nearly 5,000 years, influential families held dominion over Essos through their dragons. Yet, a series of volcanic eruptions and ensuing earthquakes led to the downfall of Valyria and its surroundings. The catastrophe caused political turmoil in Essos, resulting in the Free Cities gaining independence. Then, Valyria became a desolate land.
5. Westeros: The Age of the Hundred Kingdoms
Between 6,000 and 700 BC, Westeros evolved from small kingdoms into the Seven Kingdoms. In 200 BC, House Targaryen settled on Dragonstone, relocating around 100 BC, anticipating the Doom of Valyria.
6. Aegon’s Conquest (2 BC – 1 AC)
After the Doom of Valyria, Aegon Targaryen and his sister-wives Rhaenys and Visenya invade Westeros with their three dragons. House Lannister and House Gardener resist but are defeated. Aegon briefly tries to conquer Dorne but eventually allows it to rule itself.
7. The Reign of the Targaryen dynasty
The final Targaryen ruler, Mad King Aerys II, grew paranoid about his family and Small Council, particularly Hand Tywin Lannister. In his reign, Aerys participated in the Great Tourney at Harrenhal. Aerys uses Jaime Lannister in the Kingsguard as a means to insult Tywin.
8. Robert’s Rebellion
Lyanna Stark elopes with Aerys's son, Rhaegar Targaryen, despite her engagement to Robert Baratheon. Robert alleges Lyanna's abduction and led a rebellion against Aerys.
9. Robert’s Reign
Robert holds uncontested rule. He faces Tywin Lannister's attempts to exert influence over Westeros' matters. Following the death of his Hand, Jon Arryn, Robert appoints Ned Stark as his new Hand.
10. Games of Thrones
The game kicks off with Ned accepting the role of Robert’s Hand. However, he uncovers that Joffrey isn't Robert's but Jaime's son. Cersei ensures Robert has a deadly accident while hunting, and Joffrey becomes king. Ned is killed, causing chaos. This is when the main characters start playing the Game of Thrones.
Now the Game of Thrones show timeline is explained, check the series’ timeline chart sample below.

Get a detailed Game of Thrones timeline.
Bonus Tip: How to Make a Timeline with MindOnMap
If you want to create a timeline for your favorite movies, series, or anything else, MindOnMap is the right tool for you.
MindOnMap is a free web-based tool, now available in an app version, that allows users to create desired charts according to their needs. It provides several templates, such as a fishbone diagram, treemap, flow chart, and more. Users can also customize their work by adding shapes, lines, texts, etc., provided in the software. Additionally, inserting pictures or links is possible. Now, if you wish to make a timeline, you can choose the flow chart option. With your timeline, present the essential information and events in order visually and effectively. With that, MindOnMap will assist you in creating your desired timeline. How? Follow the guide below.
First, navigate to the official website of MindOnMap. To access the online tool, click the Create Online option. If you prefer the app version, hit the Free Download button. Then, create an account.
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When you've registered successfully, you will be directed to the tool’s main interface. In the New section, you’ll see the different templates you can choose from. Select the Flowchart layout to create a timeline.

On the current window, start adding customizing your timeline. Add shapes, text, lines, etc., from the Shapes option on the left part of your screen. In this tutorial, we will use the Game of Thrones King timeline.

Once your timeline is edited and ready, start saving it. Click the Export button at the upper-right-hand corner of the tool’s interface. Next, select your desired file format from the drop-down menu. If you want to do it later, you can simply exit the program, and all changes will be automatically saved.

Alternatively, you can share your work with your friends or workmates. To do it, click the Share button and Copy Link. You can also set the options for Password and Valid Until as you wish. And that’s it!

Part 2. Describe Game of Thrones Timeline
In this part, we’ve compiled the major events in chronological sequence of the series Game of Thrones for your reference.
1. Ned’s Death
Ned's death may seem less significant than other events, but it sets off the whole story. He's arrested for treason after revealing Cersei Lannister's secret about her children's parentage. Cersei thought he'd be banished, but Joffrey unexpectedly ordered his death.
2. The Return of Dragons to the World
The dragons' return in Game of Thrones brought magic back to life in the story. After losing her husband Drogo, Daenerys Targaryen planned to sacrifice herself on his burning pyre. She took the sorceress who harmed Drogo and three dragon eggs with her, not wanting to go alone.

3. The War of the Five Kings
Stannis Baratheon wants the throne he believes is his, but his brother Renly also wants it. Balon Greyjoy declares independence. This starts the War of the Five Kings, which devastates Westeros.
4. The Red Wedding
In exchange for Robb’s assistance, he agreed to marry one of Frey’s daughters. However, he fell in love with Talisa Maegyr and canceled the deal. This led to Walder Frey's betrayal. After marrying Frey’s daughter to Robb’s uncle, they killed Robb, his pregnant wife, and his mother. From then, it became the Red Wedding.

5. Jon’s Resurrection
Jon, executed for helping wildlings, was brought back to life by Melisandre. This showed he had a special destiny. The Lord of Light had revived others, but this made Jon's importance clear.
6. The Battle of the Bastards
In Game of Thrones, there are only a few do-or-die moments, and the Battle of the Bastards is certainly one of them. House Stark, the ruling family of the North for centuries, lost their power to House Bolton.

7. Cersei Destroys the Sept of Baelor
Cersei felt threatened from various directions and humiliated by those she considered beneath her. In response, she reacted like a crazed queen and exploded them all.

8. The Battle Of Winterfell
The first Game of Thrones scene foreshadowed the Battle of Winterfell. Westeros politics were dangerous, but the threat beyond the Wall was worse. After killing Viserion and breaking the Wall, the Night King and his army went south. The Starks, Daenerys, and their allies fought the dead at Winterfell. Losing would have meant the world's end.

9. Daenerys' Reign Ends
Dany had the power to change the world, and she did. But her obsession with the Iron Throne led to her downfall. After invading most of Westeros, she burned King's Landing. When she tried to take the Iron Throne, Jon Snow killed her to protect the world from her danger.
Further Reading
Part 3. FAQs About Game of Thrones Timeline
How many years is the Game of Thrones timeline?
The Game of Thrones TV series spans approximately 6-7 years in its timeline. It is from the beginning of Season 1 to the end of Season 8.
How to watch Game of Thrones in order?
To watch Game of Thrones in order, you should follow the episode order as it was originally aired. You can begin with Season 1, Episode 1, and continue through all eight seasons sequentially.
How long before Game of Thrones is Fire and Blood?
Fire & Blooded took place 300 years before the events of Game of Thrones.
Through this post, you learned the Game of Thrones timelines and the major events that happened in it. Not only that, you have also discovered the best tool you can use to make your desired timeline. It is with the assistance of MindOnMap. Indeed, it is a reliable timeline creator for your project or work needs. Start using it today to learn more about its offered functions and features.